Six ways tech is revolutionising M&A for insurers

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have long been pivotal strategies for growth within the insurance sector, enabling firms to expand their market presence, enter new territories, and secure competitive advantages.

An Interview with Jeff Heine

Paul Carroll: I wonder, first, if you would describe what you see as the main points of friction between carriers and agents and brokers?

Six Ways InsurTech Streamlines M&A

For companies seeking acquisitions, the right InsurTech can optimize that process from start to finish, and InsurTech can make smaller companies more attractive to potential buyers

Global insurance industry to be shaped by 10 trends in 2024

The insurance industry is at a turning point, with rapid transformation driven by factors including technological innovation, evolving customer expectations, and changing market dynamics. To this end, InsurTech firm Novidea has outlined its top ten predictions for the insurance sector in 2024. These predictions are based on insights gained from the firm’s extensive experience working with insurers of all sizes and business models.

Majority of insurance organizations considering tech upgrades

An in-depth analysis conducted by Novidea, a provider of cloud-based, data-driven insurance management platforms, found 75% of insurance organizations worldwide are gearing up to embrace new core insurance management platforms within the next two years.